Thank you for visiting my blog. My Name is Kiran Mahyavanshi. I started my Astrological journey back in 2010 with Vedic astrology and gradually ventured in Krishnamurti Paddahti( KP Astrology). Astrology is a Science, wherein birth, death,pleasure, pain,gain,loss, health and wealth are all enjoyed or experienced accordingly to the divine plan. The only scientific and correct method of knowing the divine plan is to apply the principles of astrology. I do my best to be abreast with the latest new concepts and development in astrology especially KP Astrology and try to implement the same in my professional consultancy. My consultancy includes Mahadasha prediction, specific query prediction on marriage, career,health. If needed astrological remedies are also provided in the consultancy. My consultancy charges are very nominal and payments could be send by either bank transfer or paypal. Click on Contact to get in touch with me.